I just returned from the Hay House event, I can do It! Ignite Event in San Jose, California. I went because my friend Mike Robbins was speaking as well as Dr. Wayne Dyer.

I have know Mike for many years, we met through the Challenge Day organization. When I met him I was new to personal growth work and was really trying to heal my past and find myself.

Once I did that, many years later, I approached him about being a life coach. I respected how he showed up in the world as a coach, speaker and author. He guided me to the right school to get the professional training and off and on over the years was willing to give me advice.

I had never heard him speak on a live stage, so I was excited!

I was moved to tears as Mike Robbins took the stage and talked about loving ourselves now in the moment. He talked about embracing the here and now as it is happening. Not being so focused on when I…, or if I..,. then I will love my self.

He reminded the audience  to just stop, and enjoy what we are dong and have right now. He told us that it may be a simple idea, but it is much harder to implement.

Mike told a story about his young daughter playing a game where she would kiss herself in the mirror. Then  he asked us when the last time we did!

He reminded us it is not what we do or who we impress, but who we are that is important. That person we need to fully love.

Mike Robbins and I at the Ignite Event.
Mike Robbins and I at the Ignite Event.

Mike has written two books: Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken and it is about Authenticity. The second one is: Focus on the Good Stuff and it is about appreciation. http://mike-robbins.com/books/

I myself, needed the reminder. There have been times the past few weeks where I pushed myself too hard, did not take care of myself, talked badly about myself inside my head and was frustrated with myself.

He is right, it is a simple idea to love yourself. It is indeed a daily practice for it to work.

+Michelle DeBerge

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About the Author

Michelle has over 20 years experience in coaching, leadership and motivation. She is passionate about creating a community for growth, healing and support. She has been recognized for her work both locally and nationally. She inspires audiences and clients with her down to earth stories of struggle and growth. She believes that being authentic has been the key to her success.

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