I decided to start making Pay it Forward Fridays here at LifeCoach-USA.  My goal is to go out into the community and teach people how to pay it forward and enroll them in the process. Each week coming up with different ways to do it. Some that may cost a little money and some that don’t cost any money to do at all. 

payit 2I was sharing this idea with Raphael Love, my friend and business partner at CanDoBe.  There we  want to create videos doing this to inspire others to send in their ideas and videos. Creating a movement of paying it forward every Friday.

My goal was to start this project this week but it will officially begin next week, so I thought. At  the morning meeting today I discussed moving the start date by one week. Everyone was on board with that idea since we want to really get some good ideas put together to share with everyone.

[Tweet ““There is no wrong way to perform an act of kindness.” ― Catherine Ryan Hyde, Pay It Forward”]

Little did I know that it would be pay it forward Friday! At the morning meeting during our check in portion of the meeting, I shared something I was struggling with on a personal level. We always start the daily  meeting with a heart check in and a share of our wins for the day. This is because how our lives are going will impact our business and we want to be the best we can be. So I had my share, we moved on to tasks and goals and I forgot about it.

Hours later, I received an email that showed me that my business partner and friend had taken some action to help me with what I had shared about. In the note all it said was “Pay it Forward :-)”! I was creating a pay it forward event and ended up the recipient of a pay it forward!

So officially both LifeCoach-USA and CanDoBe will begin Pay it Forward Fridays next week, but unofficially, it began for me today.


+Michelle DeBerge

About the Author

Michelle has over 20 years experience in coaching, leadership and motivation. She is passionate about creating a community for growth, healing and support. She has been recognized for her work both locally and nationally. She inspires audiences and clients with her down to earth stories of struggle and growth. She believes that being authentic has been the key to her success.

  • Isn’t it awesome to have people in your life who totally “get you”, who “hear your heart” and truly support you? That is certainly a reflection of the type of friend and colleague that you are!
    (visiting from UBC)

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